2 jun 2021



     As integrantes do Club de Lectura de 1º de bacharelato de Inglés leron este curso un libro que lles permitiu coñecer mellor un país co que temos moito en común: Irlanda.  A través da lectura achegáronse á súa xeografía, ós seus mitos e lendas, á  súa cultura e, por suposto, aos  seus costumes e ás súas arraigadas tradicións. Compartimos os seus comentarios sobre a obra. 

Something that we liked about this book was the typical Irish dance. We read about Michael Flatley and we saw a video of people  dancing a with a mixture of traditional and modern music.

We became surprised with the Irish celebrities since we got to know that Liam Neesan and County Lauth, from example, were from Ireland.

We also learnt about the Irish myths and legends that Ireland is famous for. Our favourite ones were those of the Leprechauns and the Children of Liar.

              Raquel Bernárdez, Brenday Rey, Lucía Taboada (1ºbach B)

This book is about the island of Ireland. On of the most appealing aspects is the Irish geography, especially the the Gigant’s causeway. It’s a popular tourist attraction  over we ground with 40 000 columns of basalt.

Other interesting thing is the celebration of Saint Patrick’s  Day on 17th March. This is a national holiday in Ireland. People go to church and the return home have a meal with the family. Irish usually wear green clothes or something with a shamrock on it.

                        Sara González, Vanesa Combo (1º bach B)

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